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Mein Ansprechpartner
igus® polymer Innovationen GmbH

Photo-Play-Straße 1

4860 Lenzing

+43 7662 57763
+43 7662 57751

drylin® W Doppelschiene WSPC

  • Extremely lightweight
  • X-ray transparent
  • High strength and resistant
  • Non-metallic
  • Non-magnetic
  • Ausführung: Doppelschiene Hochprofil
  • Material: Carbon
  • Schienenprofil: Eckig
The carbon profile rails is especially light and strong
The carbon profile rail WSPC is 70% lighter than liner rails made of aluminium or stainless steel. Especially in aircraft construction or the automotive industry the drylin® W carbon rail with square profile is used. The solid plastic carriage WWPL-06-30-06 made of an iglidur® material was developed specifically for the carbon rail and has best coefficient of friction and wear.  The X-ray transparency is another advantage of the carbon fibre. So the material is often used in medical or measurement technology.
Technische Daten
Zubehör & Komponenten

Andere Lösungen


Gerne beantworte ich Ihre Fragen auch persönlich

Andreas Kniebeis, B.Eng.

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Montag bis Freitag von 7 - 20 Uhr.
Samstag von 8 - 12 Uhr.


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